Sunday, September 09, 2012

Advanced 3D Imaging for the Assessment of injuries and orthopedicdiseases

3DO technology (developed by Digital Orthotics), is a 3-D Weight Bearing Kinematic imaging Solution for the assessment of simple to complex load bearing joint diseases.

  • The analysis of load bearing conditions is evaluated through intelligent software were critical elements of body mass displacement, body balance, pressure load, motion analysis, symmetry, gate, and three-dimensional plantar surfacing is evaluated. With a simple to operate software interface, the 90 second analysis is easy to perform by medical or non-medical personnel.
  • The patient, consumer or athlete stands on the 3D media and then walks on the 3D media where multiple physical properties are analyzed. Next an outcome measurement report is produced providing static and dynamic information to educate and provide objective information relative to diseases.

According to Dr Craig Lowe, a retired physician and biomechanical researcher who developed the 3DO system after 15 years of research and development developed the 3D imager to analyzed the mechanical cause of injuries, arthritis, and many other orthopedic conditions which stem from a biomechanical cause. These conditions need to have biomechanical intervention so that the cause of the deformity, the injury, the disease is focused on at the foundation of the disorder.

The problem ... Few physicians understands the complexity of the new speciality of Functional Biomechanics and so Dr Lowe developed software which drives Neutral Joint Positioning which is critical to controlling cyclic load control of the limb, pelvis, and spine.

3DO imaging has been used on patients, professional athletes, injury assessments, US Olympics as well as industry in the United States, Canada and Asia.

To learn more, go to;

Basic Foot Types

Dynamic 2D Gait Analysis with Mass DIsplacement

3D Dynamic Analysis
Sample 2D/3D Production Data


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